Monday, November 26, 2012

Interviews And How-To Videos For YouTube

Ever considered using YouTube as a part of your daily internet marketing routine? If not, then you should. It's been said by many that it is the second largest search engine on the internet (debatable), but the benefits that it can give you besides great search engine rankings are the targeted visits to your website.

The best part about YouTube is that it's free. It doesn't cost you any money to start using it. And, you should know that it's the number 3 ranked website on the internet - in terms of website traffic. This information and the benefits of using YouTube should be enough to convince you that you need to be using it in your business today.

Now, uploading your video to YouTube is fairly easy. The tricky part is actually creating the video. There are all kinds of ways to create videos from a single idea. In fact, in today's lesson, I want to go over some of the videos that you can make, so that you can upload it to YouTube and start seeing results coming in immediately. Here's video idea number 1:

1) Interviews

If you can find a great interview partner in your niche who is well known by many, many people will repeatedly visit this particular video, and even post a link to it from their website - just to give their website visitors a positive experience, and entice them to come back for more. So in a sense, your videos could be the primary source as content for a particular website owner.

Now think about this for a second. Can you imagine how many views your videos would get if someone continually linked to your YouTube videos? You would get lots of views, lots of website traffic, and even a lot of subscribers to your YouTube channel. All of this is easy and can be done (and is being done) - as long as you have great content in your videos.

Here's another video creation idea:

2) A "how-to" video featuring yourself

Now this should be obvious and it is by far one of the most commonly used formats when creating your videos. All you have to do is sit or stand in front of a camcorder, give your information, tips, and techniques (or demonstrate it to them), make the video around 4-10 minutes long, and upload them to YouTube.

The more videos you upload, the website traffic you will receive. This is something that is tried and true. I would know, I market my website on YouTube each and everyday, and I am not necessarily afraid to show my face behind the camera. Typically you will find that videos like these get more views than videos that are a "screen cast".

If you're not using YouTube today, you're missing out on a ton of traffic that can be yours for the taking. I would advise that you start using this medium today. In fact... you should be using this medium as soon as possible. The last thing you want is for a competitor to come and scoop up your potential customers, all because you weren't marketing your website efficiently.

Take these YouTube tips and use them to your advantage today. It will be more than worth it.

Good luck with creating videos for YouTube today.

Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website   YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

Tips On Securing Your Promotional Videos Online

More and more companies are now utilizing promotional videos in their online marketing efforts. Their respective productions are characterized by different kinds of clips with different purposes. Filmed tutorials, testimonials and free short courses are just a few of these.

Internet users desire to acquire information as quick as possible. In response to this, businesses are creating and posting relevant clips online in a snap. They do this without even thinking about the security of their original content. Owners or producers must understand that without proper security, their masterpieces can be easily distributed without their permission.

To combat similar situations from happening to your business, here are some insights which can help you secure all your promotional videos.

Choose Online Streaming - Choose online streaming over progressive download. Both are key in the distribution of the message or information contained in your videos. However, it is online streaming that gives the owners full control over the distribution of the content.

Progressive download became rampant along with the rise of YouTube. It allows every viewer to watch any video they prefer without asking permission from the owner. They can go ahead and save the item in their computer and retrieve or edit it for any purpose they want.

If your clips hold original content exclusively created by your company, online streaming is a better option to take for your web video production. For one, this is advisable for free courses on video which you plan to distribute to your target market. Through streaming, you can send to the viewer only the information that he requests from you - nothing more, nothing less. Another good thing about streaming is that it does not allow storing of any clip at all.

Set Access Controls - This is more on defining the select few who can access your clips online. Creators are usually instructed by the owners to limit the people who can see the videos and the number of times they can be seen while they are being processed. This is very appropriate for clips which are intended not to be seen by everyone.

Secure Sockets Layer - Releasing your promotional videos through the Secure Sockets Layer can also protect them from being distributed without your knowledge. This is like encrypting the data of your video stream in between the server and the browser of the internet user. Should some content ooze out, it would be in the form of characters which do not make sense when read. This is the exact opposite of what happens in YouTube. Here, clips are released in readable and understandable text in the internet.

Although the cyberspace is filled with ingenuous films, only a few seem to have secured content. This could either be caused by ignorance or by the lack the lack of initiative from the owners to safeguard and claim ownership over their craft. Do not let this to happen to any of your well-made and innovative promotional videos. Take charge over the creation and distribution of your content.

Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website   YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

Video Marketing Strategy - The First Focus

"Start with the END in mind" - quoted by Stephen Covery

Be it a small, medium to large enterprise; many organizations are discovering one of the most accessible marketing tool - video marketing in social media.

However, many often made the mistake of thinking "more is better" and going into all the nitty-gritty details of how to produce a video such as what equipment to use, the format or how to export it.

In this article, we will not focus on the technical details but how to optimize what one of the most if not the most popular online channel - You Tube and also some useful tips to keep in mind.

First and foremost, we have to ask ourselves one simple question. What is our video marketing strategy? We have to figure out and have a video marketing strategy in place before worrying about the details of how to do it.

To help us, we need to remember two important components to making a good video:

1) We need to get traffic. Not just any, but increment in what we may already have in place. 2) We need to get conversions. By conversions, it does not simply mean people clicking on the video. We need to be target-focus. We want a specific market/ prospects drawn to our website. From there, we want to convert them to customers; opt-in, register for free trial, send in inquiries, make purchases. That is conversion. How do we do that? Most people would go on Google search and hey, they stumble on some interesting videos. And where are these videos usually found? You Tube. That is right. You Tube has now over 3 billion views daily and to not leverage on this channel, it would be a pity.

Successful bloggers, online reviewers as such have their slice of this amazingly useful tool. Why shouldn't we?

But wait. We mentioned earlier about avoiding "the more the better" notion also known as viral video. Why? Why not have the more the merrier? Chances are people may stumble on our video - someday.

That is not what we aim for. Simply because it is more work. Imagine churning out videos endlessly or should I say, mindlessly. If after a few months, you do not get any views, you are trapped, lost and have no idea where to go from there. And by doing viral videos, you are succumbing to the time-sensitivity issue. One day you are "in", the next week you are "out". People will always hunt for what is most trendy and most watched at the moment and then your video is no longer the "IT" thing.

So, what are we aiming for?

We want our videos to pop up everywhere in Google search, in You Tube; every time our prospects go hunting for what they need online.

In order to achieve that, we must first know our market and unearth our keywords. Take the time to do some research, speak to some of the current clients you already have, it will be easier to find out the ideal keywords that your potential customers are searching online daily.

At Google, there is the keyword research tool. It is a good place to start. Play with the words, key them in, spend some time investigating and come up with a list of ideal keywords and then you can create an optimized video around those keywords.

Then focus on creating the very first "masterpiece". The one you will put most of your efforts, your resources and planning into.

Once this hits the hot spot, we should keep up with the pace. Do not just stop here. Start looking at the entire campaign or it may be seasonal; depending on products and services. Go through all your materials, photos, videos that sit at the library and ensure that videos are uploaded consistently and regularly. Set a timeline for this and work towards achieving the goal.

As one professional mentioned, 80% of the traffic will come from perhaps, 20% of the videos uploaded online. If we have materials up on a regular basis, we will start coming up at the top under Google search, inside You Tube and related trending videos as well.

Last but not least, remember the quote from Stephen Covery. Look at the big picture and do not get overly anxious on the smallest details when planning your video marketing strategy. We do not want to churn out just any video; we want efficient messages that gives us effective results with minimal effort at the end of the day.

Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website   YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

Video Marketing Tips for Internet Marketers

Using video in your internet marketing campaigns is essential to connecting with your target audience. Video allows your consumers to build trust and confidence in you that can't be earned to the same level via text, blogging, websites and any other social media platforms.

Your videos will work for you 24/7, while you eat, sleep and play. They will get ranked on searches and on Google. In order to make sure that your prospects can take the next step, you need a call to action. In your video you need to directly state for your viewers to subscribe to your channel and click the link below the video and view the description for more information. Tell your viewers what to do next. Offer valuable content and then lead them where you want them to go.

Make sure the very first thing that goes in your description box is is an active link/URL. A link is not active or clickable unless it starts with http://

This is a big mistake that new marketers often make. You need a link they can click on directly from your video and make it the first visible thing underneath. You also need contact information! You want to connect with people when they are excited! If they are excited watching your video and then they have to email you and wait for a response, a lot can happen in that time frame. They could find someone else's video with contact information, who they can speak with right away to get them started. Don't lose business by leaving out such simple pieces of information. Now, you don't want to put your personal cell phone number. You can get a Google voice number for free and direct the calls to your cell or home phone. If you decide you don't want to take work calls you can turn off your Google voice at any time.

Keep your video topics relevant, stay focused and to the point. Make your messages short and simple. Most people have very short attention spans. Provide quality content without all the fluff.

Be Yourself! People are attracted to those that are real and down to earth. You don't need to be perfectly polished and well rehearsed, in fact that will most likely work against you. People want to feel like, if he/she can do it, I can do it! If you are funny, be funny! Humor sells and lightens the mood. A good positive personality is contagious.

Allow your uniqueness to shine! Each and every one of us has some quality that no one else has. You will attract people that no one else will because you are YOU!

Allow video to fuel your brand. Give yourself a slogan or nickname that people will connect to you and your brand. Then promote promote promote! Share your videos on your social media platforms and blogs. Get ready to see a new flood of interested customers.

Implement these simple strategies and take your marketing efforts to the next level!

Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website   YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

Plan Your Goals For Making A Promotional Video

A promotional web video is beyond doubt an excellent tool to make a business tick in no time. But equally true is the fact that only a well-planned animated video can work to that effect. So whether you hire a professional for your business web video creation or decide to do it yourself, it is imperative to plan your goals well in advance before you set out to accomplish the chore. In line with that, here are a few aspects that you must always keep in mind while creating a promotional video for your business:

1. Keep The Fun Factor Alive The thumb rule in promo video creation is to make the video as interesting as possible. For this, the length, language and the presentation of the video must be paid special emphasis to. Using punches, to-the-point language, a light hearted tone and unique, attention grabbing storyline are some musts for reaching out to the best result. Remember that an interesting and engaging video would always entail better odds of success.

2. Never Underestimate the Audio and Sound Aspects Another crucial planning decision to be made in animated promotional video creation is regarding the audio aspect of the video. An appropriate soundtrack ensures that the tone and the momentum corresponding to the content are maintained throughout the video. It is important thus that the most suitable sound equipments and track choices are made.

Better still, sound bites coming from real people can be included to lend a more personal and realistic touch to the video. Decide beforehand what message real people would convey and which part would be put forth via the written medium.

3. Do Not Forget The Animations Adding animations and motion graphics can elevate any video creation to a completely new level. So ensure that the visual appeal of the video is maintained by adding some graphics, animations and pop-ups to it.

4. Campaign Well Another must in the creation of online promotional videos is to chalk out a marketing campaign well in advance and adhere to it. After all, if nobody gets to know about your video, all the time, effort and money that go into the video creation would stand wasted.

5. Be Price Wise! Finally, make sure that you do not blow up the allotted budget. However do not settle for substandard means in this pursuit since poor means shall under no circumstances be able to yield quality dividends.

So be sure to secure the best equipment and professionals for the job, but spend wisely by practicing a combination of bargaining and researched decision-making. As long as you follow this mantra, your promotional video cost would never exceed the planned budget.

Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website   YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

Find The Best Video Animation Company For Lovely Commercial Video

If you are a business owner and have products to promote and sell then the world of online video marketing can prove to be a boon for you. Creating and posting animated videos online can prove to be an excellent avenue for all business owners who wish to make it big in the world of online promotions. These allow for a better connect with the audience. However, finding a video animation company is the most important and crucial part of the prospect. But if you manage to achieve that target and reach out to a good video company, the chances of your business gaining popularity increase in no time. Read on if you are really interested in reaching out to a good quality video created especially for your business needs. At the same time, you would also learn how to find the best video animation production company that can help you to achieve that effect:

Hot Tip 1: Thrive On Fresh Ideas

Hot Tip 2: Have The Best Effects Put Into The Video

Hot Tip 3: Find a Provider

As you must have realized by now, accomplishing all of the above requires professional help and finding a company that can create animated videos becomes imperative for the success of your business.

However, if you are clueless on how to find a company that can create a lovely commercial video for you, don't lose heart because here is that task simplified for you- and that too, in 4 easy steps!

4 Simple Steps To Finding The Best Company For Your Video Animation Needs

Step 1: Prepare a list of companies that seem promising in the video animation niche. Make sure that you consider a large range since that would allow for the best comparison, and would eventually help you get the best deal.

Step 2: Ask for portfolios from the shortlisted providers to get an idea about the kind of work that they do and the type of special services that can be expected of them.

Step 3: Reference the portfolios received with your project-specific needs. This means that you must have clarity over what you want from the video to be created. Also, have the minimum expected requirements laid out for the provider in precise terms beforehand. Once that is ready, cross-check with portfolios and find out if your needs are being met. For instance, if you need a promo video, then ascertain that the providers that you have in mind for the final call have proven expertise in service areas such as motion graphics, animation and digital grading etc. Similarly, if you want an animation video that gives the company overview and the selected provider specializes in promotional video creation, you may not end up satisfied with the final results. So decide wisely.

Step 4: Finalize the best proposal and ask for the respective provider's best quote. Do not confuse yourself with first, second or third best options. Simply zero in on a provider who meets your set criteria in the best capacity and you can hire him.

Follow the above advice and you shall gain access to the best animated video production and get the best possible results in the minimal budget.

Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website   YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

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